Creations > Projects with publics
With publics
In connection with its creations, vibrisses offers a variety of projects involving the public.
There are workshops for amateurs and professionals, projects that integrate audiences into the pieces, and creations performed by amateurs (schools, social centers, youth centers, associations, local residents).
We use a variety of tools to get people moving, which we pass on during our sessions. We work on societal themes, translating them into a body of music and visual art.
Et si on commentait...

Creation of a podcast based on dance combined with another sport.
Espace 1789 as part of the Art et la Culture au collège program
L'Art pour Grandir by the City of Paris, with the Roland Dorgelès and Pierre Mendès-France middle schools, in partnership with Point Éphémère.

Telling the story of queer and female figures in sport and art.
Espace 1789 as part of the Culture et l'Art au Collège program with the Michelet middle school in Saint-Ouen, in partnership with the Palais Galliera.
L'Art pour Grandir from the City of Paris, with the Roland Dorgelès and Pierre Mendès France middle schools, in partnership with the Palais Galliera and Point Ephémère.
Grandir en culture by the Fondation de France with the Collège Jacques Decour in partnership with the Palais Galliera.
Défilé Dansé

Du geste...

Creation of a parade based on a sporting discipline.
Espace 1789 as part of the Art et la Culture au collège program with the Pierre de Geyter secondary school in Saint-Denis.
L'Art pour Grandir by the City of Paris, with the Roland Dorgelès, Jacques Decour and Pierre Mendès-France middle schools, in partnership with Point Éphémère.
Héro.ine.s bis

Performance Hero.ine.s danced by the performers of vibrisses within the establishment.
Fondation de France with Collège Jacques Decour in partnership with Palais Galliera
Espace 1789 as part of the Culture et l'Art au Collège program with the Michelet middle school in Saint-Ouen, in partnership with the Palais Galliera and casa 93.
L'Art pour Grandir de la ville de Paris with Collège Roland Dorgelès in partnership with Palais Galliera and Point Ephémère.
Creation en cours, Ateliers Medicis

© Charlotte Kadri
The clothes become costumes, an extension or a constraint of the gesture, transforming the bodies and thus modifying amplitude, balance and its impact on walking, bringing out a poetic imagination and thus entering into movement.
Espace 1789 as part of the “Culture et l'Art au Collège” program with Collège Michelet
in Saint-Ouen, in partnership with the Palais Galliera and casa 93.
L'Art pour Grandir de la ville de Paris with Collège Roland Dorgelès in partnership with the Palais Galliera and Point Ephémère.
MJC Le Chaudron with residents of Le Mée-sur-Seine as part of the
Festival Cutures Urbaines in partnership with the Espace Jeunesse and the Centre Social Yves Agostini.
Ferdinand Buisson School, Boulogne-Billancourt
Jean-Baptiste Clément School, Boulogne-Billancourt
Collège Pablo Neruda, Grigny
Lycée EREA Toulouse Lautrec, Vaucresson
DRAC Centre Val-de-Loire and Rectorat as part of the Adage program with René Cassin school, Gien
Conservatoire de Boulogne-Billancourt and Éducation Nationale with Ferdinand Buisson and Jean-Baptiste Clément schools in Boulogne
Académie Orléans-Tours with Thomas Pesquet elementary school in Chaingy
Opéra de Paris, as part of the 10 Months of School and Opera program, with collège Pablo Neruda in Grigny and lycée EREA Toulouse-Lautrec in Vaucresson.
Around Rosalie –
Carreau du Temple

Creation of a form that integrates a group within the piece.
La Fabrique de la Danse
Le Carreau du Temple
Danse en Seine